Item details - Avatar
Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed
The cascade of evil, the torrents of war.
Burning with wrath, He stepped
down from the Heavens
To judge the unworthy,
To redeem the pure.

-The Scriptures, Revelation Verses 2:12

Amarr Titan bonuses (per skill level):
10 % reduction in Capital Energy Turret activation cost
10 + bonus to ship warp core strength
180 % bonus to Capital Energy Turret damage

Role Bonus:
Can fit a Doomsday module
Can fit a Phenomena Generator module
Can fit a Jump Portal Generator module
Can fit a Clone Vat Bay module
Can use three Command Burst modules
5 x penalty to Entosis Link duration
80 % bonus to Sensor Dampener resistance
80 % bonus to Weapon Disruption resistance
80 % bonus to Stasis effect resistance
80 % increase to Remote Electronic Assistance impedance
200 % bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
500 % bonus to Armor Plates and Shield Extenders

Cargo capacity 11250 m3
Mass 2,400,000,000 kg
Volume 155000000 m3
Baseprice 50,383,200,000 ISK
All kills

No data.
