Item details - Retribution
The Retribution is an homage to the glory days of the Empire, informed by classical Amarrian design philosophy: if it's strong, sturdy and packs a punch, it's ready for action. What this powerhouse lacks in speed and maneuverability it more than makes up for with its wide range of firepower possibilities and superb defensive ability.

Developer: Carthum Conglomerate

Carthum ships are the very embodiment of the Amarrian warfare philosophy. Possessing sturdy armor and advanced weapon system they provide a nice mix of offense and defense.

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Small Energy Turret rate of fire
10 % reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost

Assault Frigates bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
10 % bonus to Small Energy Turret optimal range

Role Bonus:
Can fit Assault Damage Controls
50 % reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty

Armor Hitpoints 1219 HP
Armor EM Damage Resistance 50 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 79.999999701977 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 62.5 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 35.000002384186 %
Shield Capacity 316 HP
Shield recharge time 625000 s
Shield EM Damage Resistance 0 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance 87.5 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance 69.999998807907 %
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance 19.999998807907 %
Cargo capacity 135 m3
Mass 1,053,900 kg
Volume 28600 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
High Slots 5
Medium Slots 2
Low Slots 5
Rig Slots 2
Calibration 400 points
Drone Bandwidth 0 Mbit/sec
Launcher Hardpoints 0 hardpoints
Turret Hardpoints 4 hardpoints
Powergrid Output 62 MW
CPU Output 140 tf
Maximum Targeting Range 40000 m
Scan Resolution 650 mm
Maximum Locked Targets 5
RADAR Sensor Strength 12 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 0 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 0 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 0 points
Signature Radius 35 m
Tech Level 2 Level