Kill details
victim Victim: sghoxy
Corp: The Scope
Involved parties: 2
Serpentis Protector
Serpentis Corporation
Serpentis Protector
Damage done:544 (79.30%)
Repo Industries
Enyo (Assault Frigate)
Light Neutron Blaster II
Damage done:142 (20.70%)

500 Letters left
Ship: Moa (Cruiser)
Location: Atlulle (0.4)
Date: 2010-01-24 04:13:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 5,999,380
Total Damage Taken: 686
Dual Light Beam Laser I
200mm Railgun I
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Heavy Neutron Blaster I
Light Missile Launcher I
Civilian Shield Booster
1MN Afterburner I
200mm Reinforced Nanofiber Plates I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Small Armor Repairer I
Kill not verified
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Nova Light Missile Nova Light Missile 32 224.00 ISK
Antimatter Charge M Antimatter Charge M 49 2.01 K
Multifrequency S Multifrequency S 1 3.00 K
Heavy Electron Blaster I Heavy Electron Blaster I 1 50.16 K
Heavy Ion Blaster I Heavy Ion Blaster I 1 80.00 K
Iron Charge M Iron Charge M 169 2.20 K
Iridium Charge M Iridium Charge M 75 1.28 K
Dual Light Beam Laser I Dual Light Beam Laser I 1 7.21 K
Light Missile Launcher I Light Missile Launcher I 1 4.40 K
Heavy Neutron Blaster I Heavy Neutron Blaster I 1 100.00 K
200mm Railgun I 200mm Railgun I 1 65.53 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Civilian Shield Booster Civilian Shield Booster 1 170.00 ISK
1MN Afterburner I 1MN Afterburner I 1 4.62 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Small Armor Repairer I Small Armor Repairer I 1 7.31 K
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I Magnetic Field Stabilizer I 1 33.00 K
200mm Reinforced Nanofiber Plates I 200mm Reinforced Nanofiber Plates I 1 47.50 K
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Hammerhead I Hammerhead I 1 18.79 K
Hobgoblin I Hobgoblin I 1 2.91 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Uranium Charge S Uranium Charge S 100 700.00 ISK
Iron Charge M Iron Charge M 100 1.30 K
Uranium Charge M Uranium Charge M 200 4.80 K
Plutonium Charge M Plutonium Charge M 100 3.00 K
Hobgoblin I Hobgoblin I 1 2.91 K
Medium Remote Armor Repairer I Medium Remote Armor Repairer I 1 8.11 K
Lead Charge M Lead Charge M 157 3.93 K
Thorium Charge M Thorium Charge M 100 3.40 K
ECCM - Magnetometric I ECCM - Magnetometric I 1 10.00 K
200mm Steel Plates I 200mm Steel Plates I 1 53.66 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 6,171,587.00
Top Damage Dealer
Final Blow