Item details - Regulated Mega Neutron Phase Cannon I
Regulated Mega Neutron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets.

Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Cargo capacity 2 m3
Mass 1,000 kg
Volume 20 m3
Baseprice 595,840 ISK
Used with (Charge Group) Hybrid Charge
Tech Level 1 Level
requiredSkill2Level 5
requiredSkill1Level 1
Secondary Skill required Gunnery
Signature Resolution 40000 m
Meta Level 1 Level
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier 0.009999999776482582
Overload damage bonus 15 %
Heat Damage 0.8999999761581421 HP
Required Thermodynamics Level 1 Level
typeColorScheme 11331
Reload Time 5000 s
Primary Skill required Large Hybrid Turret
Turret Tracking 5.196000099182129
Accuracy falloff 10000 m
Activation Cost 12.102999687194824 GJ
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Usage 1980 MW
slots 1
CPU usage 41 tf
Rate of fire 7875 s
Optimal Range 6300 m
Charges Per Cycle 1
Charge size 3
mainColor 8627698
Damage Modifier 3.858750104904175 x
accuracyBonus 0
targetModule 0