Item details - OLD Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers
OLD Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers
This subsystem is obsolete and has been replaced by newer technology

One of the many gems discovered amidst Sleeper technology was the creation of more efficient liquid crystal lenses. Amarr researchers have engineered these lenses to increase a laser's focus for longer stretches, both in distance and in timing, allowing a laser to reach farther targets with more efficiency of energy output. Additionally, the fullerene-infused lenses can generate higher temperatures and stronger, more damaging beams and pulses.

Subsystem Skill Bonus:
10% bonus to medium energy turret capacitor use per level
10% bonus to medium energy turret damage per level
10% bonus to medium energy turret optimal range per level
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 800,000 kg
Volume 40 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Launcher Hardpoint Modifier 0 +
High Slot Modifier 5 +
Medium Slot Modifier 0 +
Low Slot Modifier 1 +
Restricted to Ship Type Legion
subsystemBonusAmarrOffensive 10
subsystemBonusAmarrOffensive2 -10
subsystemBonusAmarrOffensive3 10
covertCloakCPUPenalty 10000
Turret Hardpoint Modifier 5 +
subSystemSlot 128
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Output 0 MW
CPU Output 0 tf
Primary Skill required Amarr Offensive Systems
requiredSkill1Level 1
Drone Capacity 0 m3
Tech Level 3 Level
Capacitor Capacity 0 GJ
Meta Level 1 Level
Drone Bandwidth 0 Mbit/sec
Module or subsystem is obsolete 1