Item details - Aurora Omega
Aurora Omega
You will be banned if you have this and you are not in ISD :)
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 1 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Memory Modifier 0 points
Willpower Modifier 0 points
Primary Skill required Cybernetics
Secondary Skill required Polaris
Tracking Speed Multiplier 1.25 x
requiredSkill1Level 2
requiredSkill2Level 1
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus 100 %
Power Output Bonus 6 %
Implant Slot 19 Slot
Tech Level 2 Level
CPU Output Bonus 6 %
Jump Drive Range Bonus 100 %
Gravimetric Strength 50 %
Ladar Strength 50 %
Magnetometric Strength 50 %
Radar Strength 50 %
Non-Destructible 1
Follows Jump Clones 1