Item details - Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II
Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II
The modulated deep core miner is a technological marvel that combines the capacities of the commonly used Miner II with that of the deep core mining laser. Using a modular mining crystal system, it can be altered on the fly for maximum efficiency.

Can only be fit to Mining Barges and Exhumers.
Cargo capacity 10 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 5 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Activation Cost 90 GJ
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Usage 12 MW
slots 1
CPU usage 60 tf
Optimal Range 15000 m
Activation time / duration 180000 s
Mining amount 313 m3
Charge size 1
Primary Skill required Mining
Secondary Skill required Deep Core Mining
targetGroup 11
requiredSkill1Level 5
requiredSkill2Level 2
Tech Level 2 Level
Used with (Charge Group) Mercoxit Mining Crystal
Used with (Charge Group) Mining Crystal
Meta Level 5 Level
Specialty Crystal Mining Amount 313 m3
Can be fitted to Exhumer
Can be fitted to Mining Barge
typeColorScheme 11347
Reload Time 0.009999999776482582 s