Item details - Wyvern
The Wyvern is based on documents detailing the design of the ancient Raata empire's seafaring flagship, the Oryioni-Haru. According to historical sources the ship was traditionally taken on parade runs between the continent of Tikiona and the Muriyuke archipelago, seat of the Emperor, and represented the pride and joy of what would one day become the Caldari State. Today's starfaring version gives no ground to its legendary predecessor; with its varied applications in the vast arena of deep space, the Wyvern is likely to stand as a symbol of Caldari greatness for untold years to come.

Caldari Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
2 % bonus to Shield Command and Information Command burst strength and duration
4 % bonus to all shield resistances
5 % bonus to Fighter damage
5 + bonus to ship warp core strength
5 % reduction in ECM Jammer Burst Projector cycle time

Role Bonus:
Can fit Networked Sensor Array
Can fit Burst Projectors
Can use two Command Burst modules
Can launch Light, Support and Heavy Fighters
Can lock at extended ranges
5 x penalty to Entosis Link duration
50 % bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener resistance
50 % bonus to Stasis effect resistance
50 % increase to Remote Electronic Assistance impedance
200 % bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
400 % bonus to Armor Plates and Shield Extenders

Cargo capacity 1740 m3
Mass 1,700,000,000 kg
Volume 53000000 m3
Baseprice 14,032,400,000 ISK
All kills

No data.
