Item details - Gotan's Modified Dual 425mm AutoCannon
Gotan's Modified Dual 425mm AutoCannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons.

Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Cargo capacity 5 m3
Mass 200 kg
Volume 20 m3
Baseprice 200,000 ISK
Used with (Charge Group) Advanced Autocannon Ammo
Reload Time 10000 s
Signature Resolution 40000 m
Used with (Charge Group) Projectile Ammo
Tech Level 1 Level
requiredSkill2Level 5
requiredSkill1Level 1
Meta Level 13 Level
republicFleetBonusMultiplier 0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier 0.009999999776482582
Overload damage bonus 15 %
Heat Damage 0.699999988079071 HP
Required Thermodynamics Level 1 Level
metaGroupID 5
typeColorScheme 11340
Secondary Skill required Gunnery
Primary Skill required Large Projectile Turret
Activation Cost 0 GJ
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Usage 1513 MW
slots 1
CPU usage 23 tf
Rate of fire 6750 s
Optimal Range 3840 m
Charges Per Cycle 1
accuracyBonus 0
Damage Modifier 3.09375 x
Charge size 3
Accuracy falloff 17200 m
Turret Tracking 5.713200092315674